Sunday, 11 August 2013

Reflections on WRAP, 4 years on

The last few months I have spent a lot of time reflecting on a lot of things.  One of my ways of dealing with a 'full head' is to literally empty it out onto paper.  I have many little notebooks full of scribbles, and I have decided its time to share some of those scribbles. 
It is 4 years this weekend since I had surgery which meant that I gave up my fertility.  This wasn't an easy decision to take, but having suffered with Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder for 10 years it was a decision that I had to take - or I am not sure that I would be here writing this blog.  (if you wish you can read more about my journey here  -  and if you recognise yourself in the story you can get help and support here
So I'm 4 years down the line from surgery and I now manage Early Menopause - which although compared to PMDD is a walk in the park - EM still throws challenges my way.  Just for reference - I carried out a survey recently with 100 ladies living in Early Meno to see what were the most troubling symptoms.  Right up there at the top alongside flushing was anxiety and depression, with an approximate 60% of ladies struggling. 
I digress - apologies.  Anyway, the reason I am so passionate about WRAP is because for the last 4.5 years WRAP has undoubtedly enabled me to keep myself well.  I first came across WRAP 3 months before my surgery, and I used it as a planning tool to help me prepare for how I may feel in the run up to, and after my surgery.  I shared it with my family and friends - sharing with them the early warning signs to look out for and all my wellness tools so that they could encourage and support me post op.  Yes my WRAP plan started out in a book, but it now lives within me.  Quite simply it has become a way of life for me.  I always advocate that WRAP is for anyone interested in Wellness, and quite simply it is.  I was determined 4 years ago that I wanted to start living well, enjoying life and stop that horrible feeling of just treading water.  WRAP has enabled me to do this by giving me priceless insight into myself and a tool to manage the ups and downs safe in the knowledge that I am in control.
The last 4 years have not all been plain sailing, infact far from it.  This last year especially has been a difficult one with a lot of challenges thrown my way - but I am moving onwards and upwards thanks to my WRAP.  I will share with you over the next few weeks some of the lessons that I have learnt, and how WRAP has helped me.
Lesson 1 - WRAP is for anyone who wants to live well

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