Sunday, 7 December 2014

Reflections on SRN "Recovery" DIscussions

 I attended an event hosted by Scottish Recovery Network & The Scottish Government last week around "Recovery".  It was a very interesting morning and I was absolutely delighted to see the mix of individuals engaging in the event.  There was a very high proportion of lived experience/peer led projects in the room which was very encouraging.  It helps encourage me to keep going.

I have tried to write this blog 3 times and I just can't say what I'm trying to say in a nice constructive way - so I'm just going to say it as it is.

  • You cannot "do" recovery to people
  • You cannot define what recovery means to another person
  • Most NHS services (in my experience) are still too focused on medical interventions
  • The 3rd sector projects that support & maintain recovery are NOT being well supported by local health boards and local authorities
  • There needs to be a shift in power
  • More peer led projects are needed to work alongside statutory services
  • Recovery needs to start at grass roots in communities - therefor community projects need support from the top.
  • I LOVE all my fellow heel diggers who are determined to make change happen (that includes many NHS staff!)  Keep digging in those heels as we WILL make a difference.

But yes - we are getting tired.  A message to the Scottish Government - stop pouring money into things that are not working and start listening to people who are on the ground working every day.  Start valuing your staff (that is every one of us at every level, NHS, LA & 3rd sector) - they are your biggest asset.  Policies don't make change happen - people make change happen.  Invest in people.